Archive for the ‘Queensland’ Category


Hamilton Island – Gateway to The Great Barrier Reef

July 19, 2013

It was the dream destination for the “World’s Best Job” and with good reason – Hamilton Island is the epitome of a tropical island getaway. Located 16km. off the coast of Queensland and a short flight from Sydney and Brisbane, it’s no wonder that it is one of the most popular destinations in the country for Australians and tourists alike.

Resort-style living

Hamilton Island harbor

Hamilton Island harbor

Hamilton Island prides itself on providing resort-style living to visitors. Each of the 5 hotels on the island is owned and operated by Hamilton Island Enterprises and almost any purchase made on the island can be charged to a guest’s hotel tab. This makes transactions almost seamless, especially if you left your wallet back in your room.

Only 30% of the island is developed, and the remaining 70% is bushland. Cars are almost obsolete, with the preferred mode of transportation being the golf cart.

There is plenty to do on the island to keep guests of all ages entertained. The Hamilton Island Wildlife Park is a great place to learn more about Australia’s fauna and flora. There is also the option to dine with the animals and eat breakfast or lunch, while watching koalas eat theirs!

Foodies are able to indulge their taste buds at a number of restaurants, ranging from simple fish and chip cafes, to 5-star dining.

The Hamilton Island Golf Club is a short ferry ride away on nearby Dent Island and features panoramic views of the surrounding islands.

A sight unlike any other

However, much of what makes the area so famous is located not on Hamilton Island, but just offshore.

Crystal clear waters of Hamilton Island

Crystal clear waters of Hamilton Island

Whitehaven Beach is a popular day trip. Voted one of the top 10 beaches in the world, it boasts more than 4 miles of brilliant white silica sand. Long walks on the beach are definitely in order here!

But it’s the Great Barrier Reef that draws the most visitors. While there are several tour options, Fantasea Tours pretty much corners the market. It’s the only company with floating pontoons actually moored to the reef itself.

The ride out to the reef takes approximately 1.5 hours from Hamilton Island, and the open waters can get rough. Even those with stomachs of iron may find the choppy ride to be a challenge, so don’t forget to take sea sickness medication before leaving. Fortunately, once the boat nears the reef, the waves die down dramatically.

The reef is home to a variety of marine life

The reef is home to a variety of marine life

The first glimpse of the Great Barrier Reef is a sight quite unlike any other. Surrounded by miles of ocean in every direction, it emerges out of water that is pure turquoise – a color that rarely exists outside of glossy postcards.

Fantasea also takes guests on helicopter tours of the reef (for a price) where they have the chance to see the famous Heart Reef, a chunk of the Great Barrier Reef that is uncannily shaped like a heart. There is also a small semi-submarine attached to the pontoon, that gives short rides around the reef and a water slide off the back of the pontoon.

Heart Reef – Photo courtesy of Thomas Leplus

During the rainy season (January – April), boat trips out to the reef are often canceled due to inclement weather, but with temperatures hardly ever dipping below 65F Hamilton Island is a great place to visit year-round.

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