Archive for September, 2009


Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk

September 8, 2009

Bondi Beach from the trail

It’s one of the most famous beaches in the world; Bondi Beach is known for its great surf and bronzed bodies. However, there’s more to the area than just the beach. Bondi is also the start of one of the best coastal walks in Sydney.

The Bondi to Coogee walk is nearly 4 miles long and starts on the cliffs overlooking Bondi Beach. It takes most people about 2 hours to complete the trail and while it is guaranteed to be a good workout, it’s also a great way to see some of the Eastern Suburbs’ stunning coastline and beaches. A map of the route can be found here.

Get Organized

In the summer months the trail can get quite crowded, so going early in the morning, or in the evening is advisable if you want to avoid the masses. Make sure to wear good shoes and put on plenty of sunscreen, as there’s not a lot of shade along the way. Overall, the terrain is pretty even, although there are a few hills and flights of stairs.

Tamarama Beach

Leaving Bondi, the first major beach is Tamarama. This beach has an interesting history, as it was home to Sydney’s first seaside theme park. In the late 1800s, the Bondi Aquarium was built. This was later renamed Wonderland City. A large wooden roller coaster used to take up much of the beach, along with other rides and swings and there was even an elephant giving rides to people on the sand.

Bronte Beach

Just beyond Tamarama is Bronte Beach which is a good place to stop for a drink and a snack. There are plenty of cafes to relax at, or you can take a breather in the beach’s oceanfront park. At the far end of Bronte Beach is Bronte Baths, a man-made ocean pool built into the base of the sandstone cliffs, back in 1887, and designed to provide an alternative to ocean swimming.

Waverley Cemetery

Waverley Cemetery

One of the most interesting stops along the route is the Waverley Cemetery, arguably one of the best places to spend eternity. With a million dollar view that overlooks the Tasman Sea, the cemetery is a wealth of local history. It’s still an active graveyard, consisting of more than 50,000 graves, some of which date back to 1877. They range from humble wooden crosses, to ostentatious marble mausoleums. There is even the grave of a pilot with an old airplane propeller for a tombstone.


Further down the trail is Clovelly, a favorite spot for families. The water in this area is calm and perfect for swimming. While some people do snorkel, the best spot for that is nearby Gordon’s Bay, which boasts a host of marine life.

At the end of the trail is Coogee, a trendy beach town similar to Bondi. Filled with cafes, restaurants and boutiques, it’s a great place to relax after the long walk.

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